Creating Agent Classifications

This is an overview of how to create agent classifications.

What is a Classification?

A classification categorizes and groups agents according to their unique attributes or characteristics.

Why should I create a Classification?

Classifications help you filter and sort agents and cases more effectively, enabling targeted reporting and better agent management.

What are examples of Classifications?

Examples of classifications include:

  • New Agent
  • Retired Agent
  • Platinum Agent

Where to Create a Classification:

Classifications are created in the Administration menu under Group Classifications in Core.

When configuring the Classification:

  • Ignore the Sort Order: Leave the sort order unchanged.
  • Enable the Classification: Check this box to make the classification available for use in an agent's record.
  • Enable Adding Classification to a Case: Check this box if you want the classification to apply to a case.
  • Add Reporting: Enable this option to make the classification appear in reports.
  • Ignore the Search Box, Commission Box, and Groups Dropdown Menu: These settings do not need to be adjusted.

Adding a Classification to an Agent Profile:

  1. Edit the agent profile by selecting Edit from the Actions menu.
  2. Add the desired classification(s).
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.


Classifications: A classification categorizes and groups agents according to their unique attributes or characteristics.

Group Classification: Refers to the categorization system used to organize agents into distinct groups based on specific criteria, such as performance level, product focus, or region. These classifications help streamline the management of agents by assigning them to predefined categories (e.g., Platinum AgentVariable Business).