How to Create an Opportunity

This is an overview of how to create and update Opportunities.

Opportunities are created within an agent's profile to track pre-sales activities.

Client versus Valued Client

When creating an opportunity, you can search for an existing client or add a new prospective client by clicking "This is a valued client."

When creating a new prospect client, the system defaults to "Valued Client" in the First and Last Name fields, but you can easily override these if you know the person's actual name.

Why Create a Valued Client?

  • Creating a Valued Client allows you to begin tracking an opportunity even if you don't have all the client's details. All you need is the client's Date of Birth OR Age, Gender, and state of residence to get started. 

How to Create an Opportunity

When creating an opportunity on an Agent Profile, the system will guide you through three key steps:

  1. Client Search: Start by searching for an existing client or adding a new one.
  2. Add Client Details: Enter or update the necessary client information.
  3. Add Opportunity Details: Provide the details specific to the opportunity.

The system will automatically display additional fields tailored to your chosen Line of Business.

  • Opportunity Status: You can monitor an opportunity's progress by regularly updating its status, ensuring that it accurately reflects the current stage of the sales process.
    • Opportunities can be linked to a case either during the App Entry process or through the Case Details tab. When this link is made, the system automatically marks the opportunity as "won" and displays a case indicator on the opportunity record.
  • Scenarios: You can create multiple scenarios for a single line of business, such as several term life insurance scenarios.
    • You cannot mix different lines of business within the same opportunity; for instance, you can't add an annuity scenario when working on an opportunity for term life.

Opportunity Follow-Ups

It's highly recommended that you create a follow-up for every opportunity to ensure it stays on track and isn't overlooked.

Linking Opportunities to a Case

To link opportunities to a case:

  • During the App Entry wizard, opportunities can be linked in Step 4, where the writing agent's opportunities will be displayed.
  • Alternatively, after the case is created, you can link the opportunity from the bottom section of the Case Details tab.

Important Terms

Design Notes: An open field associated with an opportunity, allowing users to add context.

Design Objective: A dropdown menu in opportunities to indicate the purpose of coverage (e.g., cash accumulation, death benefit, retirement).

Quote Origin: The origin or channel through which the opportunity request was submitted.

Valued Client: When creating a new prospect client, the system defaults to "Valued Client" in the First and Last Name fields, but you can easily override these if you know the person's actual name.